Ever asked yourself this question, "Who in the heck is in charge of this mess??? and whom am I in all this???". Fear of having to do the right thing UNDER people...and living right in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, consequences of others... Wanting to be encouraging, supportative and helpful but also want to be truthful and not "enable" or cover for people who continue to do what they want, or what prospers them regardless of the effect on others.
Oh what is a 'girl' to do????
Wisdom is the first trait and plea of many. When we look at people we want to see them as wise, especially if the are leaders and if we can't see their wisdom we usually run from them or refuse to acknowledge them as the leader.
One of the prominent and highly esteemed people in the Bible, Job asked a similar question about Wisdom:
But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Wisdom is a gift from God, received by those who notice they are lacking and ask for it, as written in James 1:5, Wisdom is attained when we desire to think like God, for which we need knowledge of Him, His ways and His assistance to keep us from corrupting or manipulating the Truth and Righteousness of His Word.
We are instructed to Trust and Obey and we are often provided examples of Submission and Servants. Many instuctional scriptures are addressed or referring to Bondservants...like
Ephesians 6:5-7 Bondservants, be obedient to those what are your masters, according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.
I am very much an authoritive junky, I want to know the Hierarchy of a family, group, organization or whatever I am getting involved with. I like to ask what it is, and then see how people respond to the authority figures and see who is "really in charge"!. See how efficient and loyal everyone is in the submissive and problem resolution activities. How strong and ethical is the leader and how strong and ethical are the subordinates?
It is easy to follow someone in the good times but what happens when troubles come? And when all heck breaks loose what happens then. The blame game, the foot stomping and yelling "I am in charge here and you WILL DO, what I say!" (even if you have to do unethical things and then be blames for going rouge, cause "I am a good leader and person and I WOULD NEVER DO that!" )
Well in times of frustration and doom and gloom I gravitate to I Peter 3 and think about the whole relationship example of a marriage and of the relationship of the church and God. (talk about problem solving skills, ha ha). I have used these passages for years and then saw something new and quite telling.. (ut oh, Lesson 1 million 101!) "Seek and ye shall find, Ask and it will be given to you! ha ha.. (Thanks, God I needed that :)!
I memorize scripture and then I have a terrible habit of paraphrasing and changing the words, which as a "Good Magister" would say changes the meaning, and that every letter and word is used for a reason. Read it, understand it and deal with it the way it is, don't change it to make it fit your purpose or make it more comforting. (Hmm..) ok.. So I reread it from scripture and viola' what do you know I was missing a huge chunk and the very answer I was looking for.... who knew ....
1 Peter 3:5,6 as it is written (NKV) For in this manner, (see verse 4) in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, who daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
WOW~~~~~ wait a minute let that sink in a minute!. woosh...............................................................
I memorized the first part and had omitted a bit.. Oops :( let's look at this again...
1 Peter 3:5,6 as it is written (NKV)
For in this manner, (see verse 4) in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, who daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
okay.. those that know me know that of all the people and stories in the Bible I have had the hardest time with Abraham and Sarah, ESPECIALLY that she called him "lord", I thought that was a bit confusing and sacreligious.. "LORD" is how we refer to God and why would a mortal man be given this honor... especially the ones I have seen. I love my husband but... I did not think he has esteemed to "Lord" status yet.. and I certainly didn't see where Abraham had.. (and God asked, and WHO asked YOU whom YOU thought deserved and earned titles I provided them just as I gave you yours! ~~~HMMMMM.... idk....)
Off to my dictionary I went... to see what the original meaning of Lord was, as it has the Heirish sound to it, Medival times... Ancient honor and respect... this was cool, yet a bit.. (UHHH huh ...ut oh.. got some digging to do and some spring cleaning of heart and mind..to clean up and adjust the attitude..)
There are many notable meanings and uses for lord and when you add "MY" to it.. which was customarily used as the salutation or greeting.. "My lord". http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lord (THIS IS KIND OF COOL.. and as women we want to be QUEEN or at minimum PRINCESS, which we claim as our linkage to GOD, KING OF KINGS" well being married gives us a linkage too...)
The meanings/usages that stood out to me were.....
My ---- is possessive of I (mine); modifier (as a CPC coder I love modifiers!! the define and specify procedures and conditions :); polite, affection, or familiar; Interjection !; determiner;
Lord ---- A man of high rank (he is a son of the KING of KINGS); Territorial magnate (we all know men are territorial/possessive) ; Prorietor of a manor... (HMMMM.. I am a firm believer of calling "IT" like it is, using proper words and terms and on this alone, I have some "splaining to do, ha ha I am so Lucillish/"
Okay.. this part kind of got me right in the pride bone... and brought a tear to my eye..
Masculine title of nobilty ( ewww that sounds like if you don't use it ...you demasculate... (ut oh... that is like UHT OHHHHH!)
***Courtesy title for a son of a Duke or Marquis (under a count.. ha ha.. made me think of count dracula on Seseem Street)
Man of renowed power or authority (eee.. I give him power and authority sometimes.. (to get me out of trouble ...:)
Male head of household
A Husband --- (well, now isn't that funny... [not ha ha.. but ironic..] if for no other reason... uh I see where this is going and it isn't going to be comfortable or involve shoes.. (here I go..down to the knees of confession, AGAIN!)
A person who has power or authority over others such as a monarch or master (young male)! (OUCH!!!) how often have I said to him, YOU SON! Your HOUSE, .... or the one or two times he has had others come to him and say "THAT WIFE of YOURS, or that Son of yours".. Hmmmm...
Good news is He is the King of our house, and of this Queen..( a King has to have a Queen.. even a Prince needs a Princess.. lucky for Him, I am a Princess, Daughter of the King of Kings.)
So the answer to the Question above is, God is in control, IF I submit to Him and those authority figures that He has placed in my path.. not because they "deserve or qualify for the courtesy or esteem" but because I TRUST and OBEY HIM! This world was Created by HIM and is still HIS, but this is not the Garden of Eden, perfect, and abundant with ease and no pain, struggles, confusion.. Great Great Grandma Eve bit that fruit of promise of Knowing all.. and well now we know stuff we wish we didn't and don't have just Wisdom (wise-thinking of true and right; method or way of doing; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/wise Dom~ state or condition) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/wisdom
Life is a prepatory course...much like a feast is celebratory and memorializing of events...
Of all the tasks, building character is the most uncomfortable yet the most beneficial of all....
Losing selfishness, bitterness, and fear is the best weighloss program ever invented..
Oh what is a 'girl' to do????
Wisdom is the first trait and plea of many. When we look at people we want to see them as wise, especially if the are leaders and if we can't see their wisdom we usually run from them or refuse to acknowledge them as the leader.
One of the prominent and highly esteemed people in the Bible, Job asked a similar question about Wisdom:
But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Wisdom is a gift from God, received by those who notice they are lacking and ask for it, as written in James 1:5, Wisdom is attained when we desire to think like God, for which we need knowledge of Him, His ways and His assistance to keep us from corrupting or manipulating the Truth and Righteousness of His Word.
We are instructed to Trust and Obey and we are often provided examples of Submission and Servants. Many instuctional scriptures are addressed or referring to Bondservants...like
Ephesians 6:5-7 Bondservants, be obedient to those what are your masters, according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.
I am very much an authoritive junky, I want to know the Hierarchy of a family, group, organization or whatever I am getting involved with. I like to ask what it is, and then see how people respond to the authority figures and see who is "really in charge"!. See how efficient and loyal everyone is in the submissive and problem resolution activities. How strong and ethical is the leader and how strong and ethical are the subordinates?
It is easy to follow someone in the good times but what happens when troubles come? And when all heck breaks loose what happens then. The blame game, the foot stomping and yelling "I am in charge here and you WILL DO, what I say!" (even if you have to do unethical things and then be blames for going rouge, cause "I am a good leader and person and I WOULD NEVER DO that!" )
Well in times of frustration and doom and gloom I gravitate to I Peter 3 and think about the whole relationship example of a marriage and of the relationship of the church and God. (talk about problem solving skills, ha ha). I have used these passages for years and then saw something new and quite telling.. (ut oh, Lesson 1 million 101!) "Seek and ye shall find, Ask and it will be given to you! ha ha.. (Thanks, God I needed that :)!
I memorize scripture and then I have a terrible habit of paraphrasing and changing the words, which as a "Good Magister" would say changes the meaning, and that every letter and word is used for a reason. Read it, understand it and deal with it the way it is, don't change it to make it fit your purpose or make it more comforting. (Hmm..) ok.. So I reread it from scripture and viola' what do you know I was missing a huge chunk and the very answer I was looking for.... who knew ....
1 Peter 3:5,6 as it is written (NKV) For in this manner, (see verse 4) in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, who daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
WOW~~~~~ wait a minute let that sink in a minute!. woosh...............................................................
I memorized the first part and had omitted a bit.. Oops :( let's look at this again...
1 Peter 3:5,6 as it is written (NKV)
For in this manner, (see verse 4) in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, who daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
okay.. those that know me know that of all the people and stories in the Bible I have had the hardest time with Abraham and Sarah, ESPECIALLY that she called him "lord", I thought that was a bit confusing and sacreligious.. "LORD" is how we refer to God and why would a mortal man be given this honor... especially the ones I have seen. I love my husband but... I did not think he has esteemed to "Lord" status yet.. and I certainly didn't see where Abraham had.. (and God asked, and WHO asked YOU whom YOU thought deserved and earned titles I provided them just as I gave you yours! ~~~HMMMMM.... idk....)
Off to my dictionary I went... to see what the original meaning of Lord was, as it has the Heirish sound to it, Medival times... Ancient honor and respect... this was cool, yet a bit.. (UHHH huh ...ut oh.. got some digging to do and some spring cleaning of heart and mind..to clean up and adjust the attitude..)
There are many notable meanings and uses for lord and when you add "MY" to it.. which was customarily used as the salutation or greeting.. "My lord". http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lord (THIS IS KIND OF COOL.. and as women we want to be QUEEN or at minimum PRINCESS, which we claim as our linkage to GOD, KING OF KINGS" well being married gives us a linkage too...)
The meanings/usages that stood out to me were.....
My ---- is possessive of I (mine); modifier (as a CPC coder I love modifiers!! the define and specify procedures and conditions :); polite, affection, or familiar; Interjection !; determiner;
Lord ---- A man of high rank (he is a son of the KING of KINGS); Territorial magnate (we all know men are territorial/possessive) ; Prorietor of a manor... (HMMMM.. I am a firm believer of calling "IT" like it is, using proper words and terms and on this alone, I have some "splaining to do, ha ha I am so Lucillish/"
Okay.. this part kind of got me right in the pride bone... and brought a tear to my eye..
Masculine title of nobilty ( ewww that sounds like if you don't use it ...you demasculate... (ut oh... that is like UHT OHHHHH!)
***Courtesy title for a son of a Duke or Marquis (under a count.. ha ha.. made me think of count dracula on Seseem Street)
Man of renowed power or authority (eee.. I give him power and authority sometimes.. (to get me out of trouble ...:)
Male head of household
A Husband --- (well, now isn't that funny... [not ha ha.. but ironic..] if for no other reason... uh I see where this is going and it isn't going to be comfortable or involve shoes.. (here I go..down to the knees of confession, AGAIN!)
A person who has power or authority over others such as a monarch or master (young male)! (OUCH!!!) how often have I said to him, YOU SON! Your HOUSE, .... or the one or two times he has had others come to him and say "THAT WIFE of YOURS, or that Son of yours".. Hmmmm...
Good news is He is the King of our house, and of this Queen..( a King has to have a Queen.. even a Prince needs a Princess.. lucky for Him, I am a Princess, Daughter of the King of Kings.)
So the answer to the Question above is, God is in control, IF I submit to Him and those authority figures that He has placed in my path.. not because they "deserve or qualify for the courtesy or esteem" but because I TRUST and OBEY HIM! This world was Created by HIM and is still HIS, but this is not the Garden of Eden, perfect, and abundant with ease and no pain, struggles, confusion.. Great Great Grandma Eve bit that fruit of promise of Knowing all.. and well now we know stuff we wish we didn't and don't have just Wisdom (wise-thinking of true and right; method or way of doing; http://www.thefreedictionary.com/wise Dom~ state or condition) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/wisdom
Life is a prepatory course...much like a feast is celebratory and memorializing of events...
Of all the tasks, building character is the most uncomfortable yet the most beneficial of all....
Losing selfishness, bitterness, and fear is the best weighloss program ever invented..
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